Live Sent Day 12: The Believers’ Prayer: Protection Boldness!

“Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness.”  Acts 4:29

The miraculous healing of the crippled man in Acts 3 led to Peter and John being hauled before the Sanhedrin in Acts 4.  These Sanhedrin guys meant business—they issued threats and, as the ruling religious authorities, they had the power to follow through.

When Peter and John were released, they joined their fellow believers and a prayer meeting broke out.  What would you expect them to pray for?  The logical answer would be protection.  I have prayed for several friends this summer who have traveled to far-away places on mission trips.  Always, I pray for protection.

But that’s not what the early believers asked for.  They acknowledged the threats, but in the very same sentence asked for boldness.  Their concern was not for their physical protection, but only for being used to bring glory to God.

And our great God seems to take particular delight in answering unselfish prayers.  Just two verses later, the believers had barely said “amen” and the prayer was answered: “After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken.  And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.” (emphasis added). Acts 4:31

Lord, forgive me for being a coward.  Help me to be less concerned with my protection—whether it be physical protection or concern for what others think of me—and instead be consumed with a desire to make you known.  Give me great boldness to speak for You!

Live Sent Action Point:  Pray for boldness to speak for God.  Then speak the truth boldly, trusting Him with the results.

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