Live Sent Day 5: Peter Before and Peter After

The before-the-Holy-Spirit Peter was consumed with fear, concerned about the implications of being identified with Jesus.  The after-the-Holy-Spirit Peter stands with courage and boldness.  He speaks the truth to those gathered on the day of Pentecost. Gone is the fear that consumed him around the fire just a few weeks before. 

Not only is he no longer ashamed, he is no longer confused.  The Holy Spirit has enabled Peter to “connect the dots.”  He quotes Old Testament scripture.  He understands that Jesus is the Messiah, the fulfillment of the prophecy.  Peter gets it:  Jesus brings a spiritual kingdom. 

Jesus is the theme of Peter’s passionate, Spirit-led sermon.  He holds back nothing when he exhorts: “…this Jesus…you crucified and killed….God raised him up…” (Acts 2:23-24).  He offers assurance from the Old Testament prophecy: “…everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Acts 2:21 quoting Joel 2:32.)

The Holy Spirit uses Peter’s words to bring conviction.  The listeners were “cut to the heart” (Acts 2:37).  The awareness of sin does that.  The overwhelming, sickening, conviction of sin makes our need for a Savior painfully evident.  They asked, “What shall we do?”  I imagine it was more like a wail.  Sin brings despair, guilt, and self condemnation.  The answer then is the same answer for us today: “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ …” (Acts 2:38)

Three thousand accepted Christ that day. Three thousand lives were changed.  Three thousand found freedom from the guilt and bondage of sin.  Three thousand found a new life in Jesus Christ.

Peter’s words brought hope and new life to those listening.  If God could use a coward like Peter, I think He could also use the likes of you and me.  Whether He is calling us to speak the truth to 3000, 300, 3, or just 1, we go in the same power, the same Holy Spirit. 

Lord, thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit that enables me to do through you what I could never do on my own.  To whom shall I speak the truth today?

Live Sent Action Point:  Ask God to give you the name of one person who needs freedom from the guilt and bondage of sin.  Pray for an open door to share the life-changing truth of Jesus and for courage to walk through the door when it opens.

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