AmazingThe chief priests accused him of many things.
 So again Pilate asked him, “Aren’t you going to answer?
See how many things they are accusing you of.” 
But Jesus still made no reply,
and Pilate was amazed.
Mark 15:3-5

 Luke 23:2 provides a list of these “many things” hurled at Jesus by the chief priests:

  • Subversion – acts that would be overthrowing the nation of Rome
  • Opposition to taxes
  • Claiming to be king.

(Interesting that blasphemy is not on that list.  Because Rome – and, therefore, Pilate–would not care about blasphemy.   They have to trump up charges that will matter to Rome.)

These are serious allegations, crimes worthy of execution.  If accused of a crime carrying the death penalty, a guilty man would probably open his mouth and attempt to defend himself or dispute the accusations.  And surely an innocent man would protest and plead his case before the one authority who has the means to control his destiny.

Pilate was intrigued … surprised … and even amazed that Jesus refused to answer.  It’s unlikely that an accused criminal standing before him had ever made no reply.

Jesus is doing the unexpected…and it is amazing.

How might God ask you and me to do the opposite of what is expected?

To keep our mouth closed when facing harsh or unjust criticism.
To leave a generous tip…even when service was less than stellar.
To bless those who hurt us.
To pray for those who wound us.
To forgive those who harmed us.
To love those who have withheld love from us.
To honor those who have not honored us.

And when we do those things…when we walk in the opposite spirit…we are like Christ – and we, too, are AMAZING!

Who is God asking you to amaze this week?

Let’s ask Him to provide an opportunity to do the unexpected…to respond in a situation that is totally out of character…to respond in the Spirit and not in the flesh.  We can be amazing when we are controlled by the Spirit of God.

Pilate was amazed by Jesus.  Let’s go out there and amaze someone for Jesus this week!




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