What Do You Want & Who Do You Ask?

Mark: The On-the-Go-Gospel

“Rabbi, I want to see.”
Mark 10:51

From the moment Bartimaeus heard Jesus he began to shout, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me.” When he was rebuked and told to be quiet, he shouted all the louder, “Son of David, have mercy on me!”

Jesus rewarded his tenacity and his persistence. He allowed him to come.  When Jesus asked Bartimaeus, “What you want me to do for you?” Bartimaeus did not hesitate.  His answer was direct, immediate, and straightforward.  He knew what He wanted and he knew Jesus could provide.

He responded, “I want to see.”

We may look at that and think, “Well, of course, he wants to see. Of course, that is his greatest need. Of course, that’s what he would say to Jesus –the man is blind!  What else would he ask for?”

The marvelous truth for us to see here is not that Bartimaeus asked to see – – but who he asked. The faith of Bartimaeus is on display. There’s a whole crowd of people there. The disciples are there. But his request is made to Jesus alone. His words are simple. His request, though obvious, requires a miracle. In asking Jesus for sight he is declaring his faith that Jesus is able. He knows that Jesus has the power to make him see.

Do you need to say not –Lord I want to see—but:

  • Lord I want to love.
  • Lord I want to forgive.
  • Lord I want to serve.

Or maybe it is Lord I want to see – –

  • I want to see his perspective.
  • Lord I want to see how she feels.
  • Lord I want to understand– I want to have a heart of compassion and grace.

Like the blind beggar, each statement is an acknowledgment of what I am lacking AND a declaration of faith that HE can provide.  And each may well require as much of a miracle as making a blind mind see.

What do you need to step out in faith and ask Jesus for today?


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1 Response to What Do You Want & Who Do You Ask?

  1. Jennifer Mosher says:

    Amen, Laura! I need to see ways to honor God and
    speak truthfully to someone who is caught in a web
    of painful secrecy & deceit, without being rude or
    inappropriate in ways that will be counter-productive.
    I know Who can help me find the right time, place,
    words, and tones to communicate honestly. Thanks!

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