Shouldn’t we always be nice?

“Everyone is so nice here,” remarked Ginger as we returned to the car from another glorious hike in Rocky Mountain National Park.

We had just exchanged wildlife info with a total stranger:

Strange Man: “Did you see the big-horned sheep?”

Me:  “Yes! Did you see the big-horned owl?”

Strange Man:  “No! Where?”

Me:  “Just around the curve in the road.  Look for a huge tree and lots bird droppings staining the pavement.”

Our mutual enjoyment of the beauty of this place allowed us to let down our normal defenses.  Our joy was made complete by sharing it.  We genuinely wanted others (even strangers) to experience what we have.

And then it occurred to me.  The most precious things in life are enjoyed and cherished most when shared. And on the heels of this thought came another: I’ve been hoarding God’s love.

If I’m having a day (week…month…?) where I’m feeling the blues, generally dissatisfied, or my normally Technicolor world just seems sort of a drab gray, then perhaps I’m failing to live out my purpose.  Have I loved someone in His name?

The best way to reset my internal attitude is to outwardly bless someone else.  In short:  be nice.  And what nicer thing could we do than share the love of Christ?

Perhaps John understood this best:

“We write this to make our joy complete.” I John 1:4

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2 Responses to Shouldn’t we always be nice?

  1. Jennifer Mosher says:

    Amen, Laura. The people hardest to love often need it most. We can offer God’s love even if we feel precious little toward them ourselves.

  2. patty morwood says:

    Laura, my theme for 2013 is “prayer on my lips and on my knees.” Prayer on my lips minute-by-minute is the greatest challenge I’ve ever set out there for myself; but, hey I’m only trying to do what Paul commanded … “pray without ceasing.” I have found loving others is a natural outgrowth of constant prayer … one can hardly refuse to give a good word or warm look.

    And I am so personally blessed by escaping my own sin-racked self in the effort.

    Thanks for sharing,


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