Following Instructions

“Noah did everything just as God commanded him.”
Genesis 6:22

Do you enjoy reading the manual when you get a new gadget…or do you just jump right in and start tinkering and try to figure it out on your own?

When God decided to destroy the world, He extended grace towards Noah, as He provided very specific instructions for crafting an ark.  Lots of details were provided – the type of wood, the size for length, width, and height, and the number of floors.

We, too, have been given very specific instructions for life:  our manual is called the Bible. Often we make our situation much more difficult, challenging, uncomfortable, and exhausting by our refusal to follow God’s instructions.

We applaud Noah because of his obedience to God – verse 22 records that he did everything just as God commanded.

This is even more remarkable when we read Genesis 2:5-6 and realize it had never rained before! Hebrews 11:7 says, “By faith Noah, when warned about things not yet seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his family …”

It required FAITH to build the ark.  Faith is believing God.  Faith is confidence in a future truth.  Real faith results in action.  Actions do not bring about our salvation, but actions prove our salvation is real.

Is your faith in Jesus Christ?  Do you believe He is the Son of God?  Do you believe He came to earth in bodily form, was crucified, and had victory over death – rising on the third day?  Do you believe He will return to earth?  Do you believe your only hope for eternity is to have a faith that believes in Him and puts your hope in Him?

The woman of God lives an active faith by obeying God’s instructions.

(Note — Topic for tomorrow:  Holy Fear)

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