Genesis: “In the beginning God…”

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”  Genesis 1:1

Genesis provides the details on God’s creation of our world.  I’m reminded that not only did He have the creative genius to think it all up, He had the divine power to speak it into existence.  If the universe is His palette, His signature is everywhere!

This week as we walk, drive, and go, let’s look and behold the magnificence of what God did.  The beauty, the order, the amazing dovetailing together of seasons, generations, and life – all of it should compel us to marvel and to worship.

God breathed it all into existence.  And that realization should take our breath away.

Look around you.  Take note of the life cycle in a single seed.  Consider the order in the water cycle:  evaporation, condensation, precipitation.  Look at the intricacy of the human body and its many systems all working together:  circulatory, digestive, neurological, etc.  Our lungs breathe in oxygen.  We breathe out carbon dioxide.  Plants are just the opposite:  they need carbon dioxide and give off oxygen.  Could that really have just happened?

How many brilliant engineers would it take to design all this?  Our great God is truly the master engineer – the great designer who gave us both form and function.

I know there are those who challenge the existence of God.  Personally, I’m convinced it would take a lot more faith to believe it could have all just happened.  Think about it:  does order every really come from chaos or nothing?  The clutter in my house convinces me otherwise.  Within my four walls, I have yet to see order flow from chaos without intentional, deliberate action!

As we begin our study of creation, let’s take time to observe creation.

Stop and take a time out from the busy-ness of life.

Look at the world around you.  Flowers, trees, fruit, animals, colors, texture, taste—our senses can easily become overloaded in the wonder of it all.

Marvel, as you allow yourself a few “wow” moments.  Share those with your children and grandchildren.  Read through their school science book with them.  Point out that it is all so wonderful and amazing – it couldn’t “just happen.”  God’s signature is all over His masterpiece.

Worship – Oh, how good He is to bless us with all this! Join with me in offering praise that “In the beginning God…!”

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